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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class Student:
def __init__(self):
self.name = "Liu Chao"
self.nickname = "Pi3"
self.role = "Undergraduate Student"
self.major = "Cyberspace Security"
self.language = "zh_CN"
self.location = "HangZhou China"
def say_hi(self):
print("Thanks for stopping by and I hope you get some interesting stuff here.")
me = Student()
📔 Blog: Pi3’s Note | Pi3’s Notebook
🎈 GitHub: Pi3-l22
🔮 Stardew Valley Notes: Stardew Valley Journal
More About Me
🎓 Education: Undergraduate at HDU, majoring in Cybersecurity
🔒 Interests: Computer Technology and Cybersecurity
💻 Skills:
- Programming Languages: Python, C/C++, Java, PHP
- Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Current Studies: Cryptography, Penetration Testing
📚 Learning: Preparing for graduate studies
🔧 Self-Description: Although I am a technical rookie, I have been trying to learn.
🌟 Motto: “From zero to hero, one line of code at a time.”
📧 How to reach me:
- Email: 622.511.liuchao@gmail.com
- Telegram: @LC_622_511
- Twitter: @liu622511
💡 If you have any questions about me, contact me at.
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📷2023.1.25 ⛩️江西南昌
📷2024.2.13 🏛️浙江丽水
📷2024.1.10 🍰浙江杭州
📷2023.10.18 🍱浙江杭州
📷2023.5.2 🏙️浙江台州
📷2023.3.19 🍨浙江杭州
📷2023.3.18 🧩浙江杭州
📷2022.10.15 🏡浙江杭州
📷2022.10.15 ⛺浙江杭州
📷2021.8.8 🗼浙江杭州